The Grow Even Faster Newsletter: AI is Coming For Marketing

Mark Evans
4 min readApr 14, 2019

April 13, 2019

In Silicon Valley, there’s a lot of excitement about the flurry of unicorn IPOs. Lyft went public recently (subsequently falling by 20%) while Pinterest and Uber (here’s a look behind the scenes) are tracking towards going public. One of the realities of an IPO is that many people become millionaires. An interesting spinoff from all that money is the emergence of people who are making a living from going through rich people’s trash. It’s amazing what wealthy people throw out. [link]

Marketing & Sales

The Failure of Marketing Analytics

In the marketing world, it’s all about data and metrics. If you can measure everything, then marketing should thrive. However, a study by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business suggests the effect of marketing analytics is modest. [link]

Watch Out, A.I. Coming After B2B Marketing

Given the hype, you would think that A.I. is going to disrupt everything. Marketo’s Casey Carey says A.I. says will improve the performance and efficiencies by optimizing areas such as audience selection, offers, and content, channels, and analysis. [link]

And A.I. Could Do It for Less

Mark Schaefer says stories are patterns, and computer algorithms excel at patterns, which is to say that A.I. may eventually be able to create content that leverages the power of emotion…and do it for less money. [link]

Company Building Lessons from Airbnb

Lenny Rachitsky spent seven years at Airbnb. After leaving the company recently to launch his own startup, he put the spotlight on seven key lessons, including the importance of culture, value, and nailing your problem statement. [link]

One of the keys to attracting and hiring great startup employees is offering amazing benefits. [link] (sponsor)

Jump-Start Your Blog Traffic

You write great blog content but no one reads it. Not good. Not good at all. GoSquared’s Dayana Mayfield looks at three unique and comprehensive ways to generate blog traffic: the publisher, librarian and SEO tycoon. [link]

How to Drive B2B Leads Without New Content

Creating content is like feeding the beast. It’s always hungry and, as a result, has to be fed. And it’s enough to give the beast food, it wants high-quality food. Kevin Payne has some suggestions on how to drive B2B leads without creating new content. [link]

How to Create Content That Drives Sales

Many brands create content for the sake of content. It doesn’t do much. For marketers who want to make things happen, Neil Patel has advice on how to create content that generates sales. [link]

The Rise of the Captionfluencers

When did Instagram turn into a mini-blogging platform? It’s hard not to avoid Instagram posts that feature long descriptions. The New York Times describes them as captionfluencers. [link]

The Secret to Content Distribution

It’s one thing to create content…but then you need to distribute it. Animalz’ Ryan Law says the secret to content distribution is hidden in plain sight. It’s a matter of distribution, ideation, and execution. [link]

Digital Embraces the Power of Paper

It’s one thing when e-commerce players are opening physical stores. Now, online services such as Bumble are becoming magazine publishers. Clearly, what’s old is new again. [link]


Helvetica Gets a Makeover

Ever geek out on a particular font? If you’re a font fan, here’s some big news: Helvetica, which is still rocking after 61 years, is getting a makeover. [link]

What Makes for a Good Proposal?

Having spent many years as a consultant, I ceated hundreds of proposals. In hindsight, I should have given them more sizzle. Piktochart talked to 100 consultants to discover the key elements for a great proposal. [link]

Oh, Canada!

Canada’s Tech Ecosystem Needs to Redefine “Scale”

PWC’s Michael Dingle says Canadian tech companies have started to get their heads around what it means to scale. But to develop world-class companies, he says “scale” needs to be viewed in a different and bigger way. [link]

Who writes this newsletter?

Mark Evans is V.P, Marketing with Daisy Intelligence. Before joining Daisy, Mark ran his own marketing consultancy for 10 years, serving fast-growing companies looking for help with strategy, brand positioning/storytelling, and content development.

My new book, Marketing Spark, is about getting marketing done. Yes, it talks about the value of storytelling but it’s really designed to deliver insight into turning ideas into action. You can buy it on Amazon.



Mark Evans

A fractional CMO for B2B SaaS looking to attract & engage better prospects. I focus on positioning, planning, and content-driven marketing.