Putting the Spotlight on Neeva’s Website Messaging
To compete against Google, you clearly need to be different.
After finding Neeva, I was curious about its positioning and messaging.
Neeva is an ad-free, private search engine that’s attempting to generate revenue by selling subscriptions.
Neeva’s homepage headline emphasizes how it doesn’t promote its own products or those of advertisers.
This plays off Google’s increasingly cluttered results page.
Below the fold, Neeva promotes:
- “More control” over news sources
- “More confidence” in information from trusted resources
- “More protection” by not tracking personal information.
I would have gone harder on protection amid growing concerns about privacy and data being harvested.
This is a pain felt by many people.
Further down the homepage (see carousel slide #3), Neeva suggests that 9/10 people preferred it to Google in a blind test.
I don’t think it’s the strongest messaging but it allows Neeva to point out that it provides results while Google displays ads.
Based on Neeva’s homepage would you take a chance on a new search engine?
It’s pulling several messaging levers, which I think waters down its two strongest value propositions: no advertising or data collection.
More: People have added some great insight in the comments about how Neeva could focus on niches.
As well, the homepage is screaming for an explainer video.
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