No One Wants to Hire a Marketing Consultant
Consultants like to tell you what to do but often don’t help you do it.
Consultants are slick talkers.
They should be avoided.
That’s an extreme viewpoint and, for the most part, it’s not true.
Consultants fill strategic and tactical gaps.
They help companies reduce risk and capitalize on opportunities.
At the right time, consultants are worth their weight in gold.
Of course, the key is picking the right consultant.
It’s a challenging process because most consultants are good marketers.
They sound and look good (aka curb appeal).
But it’s important to get a handle on how they’ve performed for clients.
As important, you need to good feel on whether working together will be a 1 +1 = 3 proposition.
For more insight on how to hire a marketing consultant, check out my podcast interview with Kevin Whelan:
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