Let’s do more B2B SaaS marketing and less cold calling and prospects.

Mark Evans
1 min readDec 9, 2021

Cold outreach sucks.

And it’s only exacerbated by sales and business development reps who spend their days dialling and emailing so-called prospects.

SDRs and BDRs are expensive and, let’s be honest, not effective.

But for many B2B SaaS companies, they’re a blunt instrument to turn prospects into customers.

What would happen if B2B SaaS companies did less cold outreach and, instead, did more and better marketing?

Rather than annoying prospects who gave an email address, do marketing and sales that educate and engage so prospects come to you.

B2B SaaS companies need to take a hard look at how they spend money to attract and win customers.

Is the current model working? If not, what’s the better approach?

Today’s customers are well educated, they do their research, solicit recommendations, and they decide when they want to engage.

BDRs and SDRs are an out-of-date approach. What they do doesn’t align with what customers want or how they make purchases.

Modern marketing is about embracing a buyer-centric sales and marketing mix that generates better prospects.

For more insight into the future of B2B SaaS marketing and sales, listen to my Marketing Spark podcast interview with Nelson Gilliat.

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Mark Evans

A fractional CMO for B2B SaaS looking to attract & engage better prospects. I focus on positioning, planning, and content-driven marketing. marketingspark.co