Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings is How Success Marketing Happens

Mark Evans
1 min readJul 29, 2022

“So much about politics is how you make people feel about themselves. You do need to listen to them….and make them feel like they matter.”

It’s a quote from Lis Smith, a political operative, on how candidates connect with voters, but it also applies to marketing.

Feelings and emotions about a brand drive many purchases. Few companies can lean on a unique product to drive growth.

At the same time, customers want companies to be empathetic, tuned into what they’re thinking, and reflect their values.

For B2B SaaS companies, emotions and listening can be challenging because the product is the show's star.

It explains why new features are constantly added and promoted, and software programmers get handsomely paid. In B2B SaaS, more is always better.

But here’s the thing: most B2B SaaS products are similar, offering the same benefits, features, and prices.

When your competitors act and talk like you, it’s hard to stand out.

And when sales are more challenging, brand and being customer-centric (rather than product-centric) are more important.

Companies need to differentiate themselves and drive deeper relationships with customers to become one of the options.

It’s about positioning, brand personality, and embracing new and creative ways to connect with prospects and customers.



Mark Evans

A fractional CMO for B2B SaaS looking to attract & engage better prospects. I focus on positioning, planning, and content-driven marketing. marketingspark.co