Don’t Panic: It’s not the end of the world for marketing

Mark Evans
1 min readJun 15, 2022

When the pandemic emerged in early-2020, marketing suddenly evaporated.

It was time to retrench, hunker down, hibernate, and keep cash in the bank.

As someone who had just returned to consulting after being let go from a full-time job, it was a terrible landscape.

I decided to do two things:
🎾 Play tennis. A lot of tennis
📞 Reach out to people within my network and leverage LinkedIn to make new connections.

Two things happened:
🎾 My tennis improved. I mean, really improved, which was so much fun.
📞 I had dozens of great conversations. I wasn’t trying to pitch my services. I wanted to exchange ideas and simply catch up.

Then, something good happened:
After many Zoom calls and changing my title to “Fractional CMO”, opportunities began to appear in my inbox. Before long, I was busy.

Here’s the lesson: sometimes, you can’t force things to happen.

When market conditions are soft, it is what it is.

Instead of getting frustrated or desperate, go with the flow.

Spend time on your business, yourself, family, and friends.

Explore new opportunities professionally and personally.

Be kind to yourself and try to enjoy a break in the action.

Keep moving forward (or hit the brakes on marketing) rather than giving up.

In time, good things will happen.

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Mark Evans

A fractional CMO for B2B SaaS looking to attract & engage better prospects. I focus on positioning, planning, and content-driven marketing.