Beyond the Buzz: Strategies for Successful Technology PR
For many technology entrepreneurs, PR is a mystery.
Many believe that PR equals instant media coverage. Put a PR agency on retainer, and boom, the reporters are swarming.
Sadly, it doesn’t work this way. Far from it.
As an ex-journalist, I’m confused why entrepreneurs don’t get PR.
They’re smart people, but they live in blissful ignorance regarding PR. I approached Crackle PR’s Parry Headrick to explain this naivete.
At a high level, Parry says entrepreneurs believe investing in PR is a magic bullet leading to coverage in the Wall St. Journal, TechCrunch, etc.
But he says PR professionals haven’t done themselves any favours by bragging about their strong media relationships to compel entrepreneurs to write big retainer checks.
So, what’s the secret to technology PR?
Well, it’s complicated and multi-faceted. It comes down to pitching good stories that align with the media’s interests. Sometimes, it’s luck, being in the right place at the right time.
Like a lot of marketing, media coverage is art and science.
On the Marketing Spark podcast, Parry and I also talked about:
* The changing PR landscape; gone are the days of pay and spray
* How to start a PR engagement, including a “blood on the walls” session.
* Why PR and marketing are sadly low-hanging fruit amid tough times.
* What the ideal PR client looks like; engaged, collaborative, and flexible.
* Why a remote working arrangement can include good corporate culture.
This is a must-listen episode if you want an insider’s insight and thoughts on how PR works.
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